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#   ESP 2014: switch metadata
#   Cell abundance, nutrient concentrations, and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) concentrations
#    measured during a mesocosm study of the effect of phytoplankton composition on bacterial DMSP transformation
#   M.A. Moran, M. Landa (UGA)
#   version: 2016-10-25
cubitainer    Ruegeria_pomeroyi  Thalassiosira_pseudonana  Alexandrium_tamarense  DIN    DIP    DOC    TOC    DMSP_total  DMSP_diss  
Axenic,1      0.00E+00           2.65E+05                  0.00E+00               780.2  9.48   366.8  770.5  2059        1106.9     
Axenic_2      0.00E+00           2.52E+05                  0.00E+00               788.9  9.68   346.4  746.7  1193        1121.3     
Axenic_3      0.00E+00           2.56E+05                  0.00E+00               767.6  9.39   344.7  764.6  1525        912.4      
Bacterized_1  1.26E+07           4.18E+05                  0.00E+00               758.6  12.13  270.1  593.8  154         0.52       
Bacterized_2  1.16E+07           3.79E+05                  0.00E+00               761.8  12.55  247.9  665.5  110         0.52       
Bacterized_3  1.12E+07           3.76E+05                  0.00E+00               768.2  12.97  256.0  558.2  91          0.58